Monday, July 16, 2007

Some 'slow' things to do

The Slow movement advises some ways of slowing down:

1. Get a Slow hobby, a leisurely pursuit like reading, writing, knitting, yoga, painting or gardening.
2. Spread out your chores; do one load each day instead of all your laundry at once, or dust one day and vacuum the next.
3. Stop watching the clock; on weekends try waking up to your body's natural rhythms rather than an alarm, and leave your watch at home
4. Shop at a farmers' market
5. Prepare a sit-down meal and savour it without watching TV, or reading. Enjoy the conversation if you're dining with others, or peaceful solitude if eating alone.
6. On vacation slow down; don't try to cram every sight into your must-see list. Visit "slow cities" with local restaurants where you can eat slow
7. Prune your to-do list; make time for the people and activities that you enjoy

These ideas could create a better balance at work, school and play which will make you remain productive and creative.

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